YumiChat is a full-featured and FREE online chat program for use with traditional Pen and Paper role-playing games (TRPGs).
YumiChat is designed to bring all the things you can do at the gaming table to your computer screen, for those times when you find yourself far away from home.
All you need to play is an internet connection and one file! Setting up a gme is just as easy! All you need to run a game is our game server!
Come on in and check us out. YumiChat brings you everything that you would expect from a full featured online Chat program as well as everything you need to enjoy a rich gaming experience.
To see what we can do, why not check out our feature list?
:: May 1st, 2005 ::
Version 1 is out, and a number of new features and bug fixes have been added! Full Card Support, improved chat, setting options and user colors are just some of the features that have been added! For a full list, check out the ChangeLog! As always, you can download the new version here.
:: Feature Request ::
If you have a feature you would like to see, or something that doesn't work right, please email us.