YumiChat: Online Gaming Experience

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To view the YumiChat Help file, please click here.

Server Issues

Sometimes the Server Window will open and then immediately shut down, without starting the server. This is caused when the server script is receives an error. To see what error you are receiving, from the command prompt ("/start/run/cmd" and press enter), enter (without the quotes) "c:\(directory that yumichat is in)\php\php.exe c:\(directory that yumichat is in)\server\telnetchat.php"

If you are receiving the error:Warning: socket_last_error() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in ..., your local IP address is not being detected correctly. Do the following:

  1. Open the command prompt by going to start->run and typing "command" (no quotes). Press enter.
  2. Type "ipconfig" (no quotes) and write down the first IP Address you are given (ex.
  3. Open the telnetchat file, located in "(yumichat's folder)\server". You may open this file in notepad, or any text editing program exept for word.
  4. Find the line that says // $ip = "";. Delete the two slashes (//), and put your IP Address between the quotes. Do NOT delete the quotes or the semicolon.
  5. Start YumiChat as normal.


If you have discovered a bug in YumiChat, please submit it.


  • Using a * in a chat message will cause the message to not be sent, and a "Unknown command" error to be displayed. This is because of the way the chat server handles server commands such as login or shutdown. This will be changed to the less used ~ in the next version.

Character Information

  • Character information will not be sent if it contains a single quote ('), double quote (") or bracket (<) or (>). This is due to the way XML is formatted. This will be fixed in the next version.
  • If you want to back up or transfer your Character information, copy your data file (yumi_data.sol) to another location. yumi_data.sol can be found in: "Documents and Settings\(windows User)\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\(Some number like VQFGDG8S)\localhost\yumi_data.sol"

Icon Information

  • Like the Character Information, Icon information cannot contain a single quote ('), double quote (") or bracket (<) or (>). Icons that contain this information cannot be deleted, and will not appear on other player's screens. This will be fixed in the next version.